India Embassy office in United Kingdom is an office of communication between India Government and United Kingdom. It operates as the official representative of the India in United Kingdom. The following is major information about India Embassy for United Kingdom:
India High Comission in London
Address:- India House Aldwych, Covent Garden, WC2B 4NA, London - United Kingdom Phone:+44-207-836-8484 Fax:+44-207-836-4331 Email: Website:
India Consulate in Edinburgh
Address:-in Edinburgh, 17, Rutland Square, EH1 2BB, Edinburgh - United Kingdom Phone: +44-131-2290011 Fax: +44-131-2292155, +44-131-2219712 Email: Website:
India Consulate in Birmingham
Address: in Birmingham, 20, Augusta Street, Jewellery Quart Hockley, B18 6JL, Birmingham - United Kingdom Phone: +44-121-212-2782 Fax: +44-121-212-2786 Email: Website:
India Consulate in Cardiff
Address: in Cardiff, 63-67 Wellfield Road, CF24 3PA, Cardiff - United Kingdom Phone: +44-303-040-2777 Fax: +44-303-040-2778 Email: [email protected] Website:
Visa applications should no longer be sent to our embassy unless you are from United Kingdom. If you are from United Kingdom you will need to in person or post / courier your application to our embassy. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!