India Embassy office in Brazil is an office of communication between India Government and Brazil. It operates as the official representative of the India in Brazil. The following is major information about India Embassy for Brazil :
India Embassy in Brasilia
Address:- SHIS QL 08, Coj 08, Casa 01, Lago Sul, CEP 71.620/285, Brasilia - Brazil Phone: +55-61-3248-4006 Fax: +55-61-3248-7849 Email: Website:
India Consulate in Sao Paulo
Address:- Av. Paulista 925, 7th Floor, 01311, Sao Paulo - Brazil Phone: +55-11-32793780, +55-11-32793773 Fax: +55-11-32793789 Email: Website:
India Consulate in Rio de Janeiro
Address:- Av. Presidente Wilson 231-23rd Floor, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Phone: +55-21-3824-4752 Fax: +55-21-2262-4247 Email: [email protected] Website:
India Consulate in Belo Horizonte
Address:- Rua Paraiba, 532 Bairro, Funcionarios, CEP: 30.120/140, Belo Horizonte - Brazil Phone: +55-31-3264-5444 Fax: +55-31-3264-5444 Email: Website:
Visa applications should no longer be sent to our embassy unless you are from Brazil. If you are from Brazil you will need to in person or post / courier your application to our embassy If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!